UHArts / Events / Sun 04 Feb 2018

de Havilland Philharmonic Orchestra- Fifth Symphonies

de Havilland Philharmonic Orchestra-  Fifth Symphonies

In February we’ll be returning to a more classical programme; each half being formed by a fifth symphony from the Austro-German tradition. Both Beethoven and Bruckner took some time over the composition of their Fifth symphonies – in Beethoven’s case four years, during which time he composed many other notable works before finally finishing his Fifth symphony. So we begin with arguably the best known fifth symphony ever – Beethoven’s Fifth. Our second half will be another fifth symphony, premiered nearly 90 years later. Anton Bruckner’s Fifth Symphony uses very similar orchestration and was a ‘work in progress’ for some 20 years between the beginning of its composition to the actual orchestral premiere.

£20 full (£15 concessions)

For more information visit http://www.uharts.co.uk/

Event Location

Weston Auditorium

Mosquito Way
AL10 9EU

Telephone: 01707 281 127
Email: uharts@herts.ac.uk
Website: http://www.uharts.co.uk/

Event Details
