UCD / Events / Sat 16 Nov 2019

Supporting Children’s Health and Well-being

Supporting Children’s Health and Well-being

The Health and Wellbeing Conference promises an inspiring day, including two key note speeches from experts in Outdoor Learning and the benefits having the opportunity to experience nature, animals and the outdoor environment can have on children’s learning, and development. There will be an opportunity to visit a range of trade stands throughout the day and the afternoon will comprise of 3 workshops providing practical strategies, inspiration and ideas. The day will invite delegates to reflect on how they support children’s social, emotional and mental health giving them ideas to take away.

For more information visit https://www.eventbrite.com/e/early-years-conference-health-and-wellbeing-tickets-69847404467

Event Location

Doncaster College

Chappell Drive

Telephone: 01302 558 248
Email: janine.ryan@don.ac.uk
Website: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/early-years-conference-health-and-wellbeing-tickets-69847404467

Event Details


Outdoor Arts

Age group
