Ty / Events / Thu 21 Sep to Sat 07 Oct 2017 (2 weeks)
A Sense of Place

‘A Sense of Place’ is an graphic art exhibition exploring the idea of place and what it means. It reveals how places can develop strong identities and culture, which are felt deeply by local people and visitors alike. It is also a response to the current political climate, which has seen increasing attempts to close borders, restrict our freedom of movement and regulate our ‘sense of place’.
Sussex has a long rich history of attracting radical artists and writers. The lush countryside and pretty villages, colourful seaside resorts and striking coastline have long inspired creative minds. Designer Eric Gill created the famous Gill Sans font, and painters Duncan James and Vanessa Bell made their home in the now famous Charleston.
These artists not only worked here, they created experimental communities and ʻspacesʼ, challenging the political and social norms of the time. They left a powerful and disruptive artistic legacy that continues today. Sussex – and particularly Brighton & Hove – is now home to people from all over the world.
The city is a unique place where free thought and independence is welcomed. The many diverse communities that live here often come together to challenge the status quo – politically and artistically.
The exhibition features 17 Sussex-based designers, design agencies and illustrators. The work includes limited edition prints utilising various techniques including screenprint, risograph and digital.
All profits from the sale of prints will go to two charities: Refugee Action and The Clock Tower Sanctuary.
For more information visit http://www.senseof.place/
Event Location
Bozboz Gallery
30 Richmond Place
Email: ty@senseof.place
Website: http://www.senseof.place/