TURNING WORLDS dance theatre / Opportunities / Thu 25 Nov 2021
People interested in a Movement in Museum project: Hitchin

Interested in trying something new and enjoy creative activity with others?
Jane Turner and TURNING WORLDS dance theatre co. are seeking to connect with new participants for a FREE Dancing Artefacts
Research & Development project @ North Herts Museum, Hitchin Town Hall
Explore key museum artefacts that communicate - from rumble bells to vinegar valentines, a mug of British sign language to exotic costume plumage and a buried lead curse tablet from AD 50 - as starting points to enjoy movement and dance patterns live and digitally. Open to all.
WHEN: January 2022 involving 6 weekly 2 hour daytime workshops
Funded by the Arts Council England, this project is FREE
For more information and to register to be part of the project see CONTACT details below.
TURNING WORLDS dance theatre company has been based in the Eastern Region since 2005 leading exciting and welcoming projects that encourage improved health and well being through creative dynamic activity. Their last project resulted in the Gog Magog dancefilm that you can see here: https://vimeo.com/444564834
For further information about the company’s work: www.janeturner.net
For more information visit http://www.janeturner.net/
Opportunity Location
North Herts Museum
14 Brand St, Hitchin
Telephone: 07801 352 300
Email: jane@janeturner.net
Website: http://www.janeturner.net/