Turning Point Productions / Events / Mon 07 Apr 2014
The Owl and the Pussy Cat Family Fun Day

Come along and join Turning Point Productions at The Old Fish Market, Brixham for a fun filled family day! Meet the characters from our up coming production of 'The Owl and the Pussycat went to see...'. Join the hunt for the Plum Pudding Flea's spots around the shops (small prize for everyone who can find them all!) and children can enter our Quangle Wangle's Hat Hotel colouring competition for a chance to win a family ticket to the show. Help The Dong and Professor Bosh hatch a plan to catch the Plum Pudding Flea. With street entertainment from all the eccentric and fantastical characters, face painting and poetry reading from Edward Lear's nonsense collection plus much more this is going to be a fabulous way to start the Easter holidays
For more information visit http://www.turningpointproductions.co.uk/
Event Location
The Old Fish Market, Brixham
The Old Fish Market
The Quay, Brixham
Telephone: 07807 127 868
Email: tpproduk@gmail.com
Website: http://www.turningpointproductions.co.uk/