TSE Productions / Events / Sun 01 May to Sun 31 Jan 2016 (-90 days)
East Herts Got talent

East Herts premier talent competition is now accepting audition submissions.
Are you a singer, juggler, comedian, dancer, acrobat or musician? Want to showcase your talent?
Then why not enter the very first East Herts Got Talent?
With £1,000 prize money up for grabs for the overall winner, this competition is not to be missed.
To enter you must send a video audition (no longer than 3 minutes) to EHgottalent@tseproductions.co.uk or post to East Herts Got Talent, TSE Productions, Unit 1, Oakengrove Yard, Red Lion Lane, HP2 6EZ.
Audition submissions are being accepted from 26th October to the 31st January 2016.
The competition is open to performers of all ages who reside within the district of East Herts.
Information on dates and venues for semi-final and final below:-
Saturday 20 February 2016 at Sele School, Hertford
Sunday 1 May 2016 at Hertford Theatre, Hertford
Winner: £1,000 (sponsored by Cheese Platter, Buntingford)
2nd: £500 (sponsored by Network / Riversmead)
3rd: £250 (sponsored by W H Brown Estate Agents)
Special prize for the best musician / group (sponsored by DEROSA Music)
Further Information
For more information follow us on twitter @EHgottalent. Details of East Herts Got Talent Rules can be found on the web page.
For more information visit http://www.eastherts.gov.uk/index.jsp?articleid=32559
Event Location
Telephone: 01442 256 254
Email: ehgottalent@tseproductions.co.uk
Website: http://www.eastherts.gov.uk/index.jsp?articleid=32559