Headland Dreaming--Rosie Harbottle model

Artist - MakerGail Thompson
Headland Dreaming
One hot still day I fell asleep on a high glorious headland while seals played far below in the turquoise glittering sea. Then the image of a fantastical tsunami crept in to create a sense of a potentially deadly beauty.
I wanted to create a fabulous wearable piece of artwork reminiscent of the sea and headland without buying or using anything 'brand new'. I found holey pillowcases, tea stained tablecloths, ripped shirts and old lumpy cushions.
They were cut up and pieced together to create a new palette of cloth by dribbling, splashing and doodling with wax, dye and thread whilst dreaming of the seas' movements.
Opera music was a natural choice to accompany the 'performance' because of its overwhelmingly beautiful yet sad and dramatic effect on the mind and body, emphasizing the emotion of the movement.
The Japanese artist Hiroshige's wood block prints were strongly influential on the style that the piece is executed and performed in.
Model/Performer - Rosie Harbottle
0798 9798824