TRAIL / Events / Mon 19 Jul to Sun 26 Sep 2021 (2 months)
TRAIL Recycled sculpture

TRAIL 2021 Open for submissions.
Following another successful all be it a smaller sculpture trail last summer, TRAIL is pleased to announce that they are now inviting applications for sculptures made from recycled materials for the 2021 event. The event is held along the seafront in Teignmouth Devon. There is no submission fee, and as in previous years, a variety of prizes will be awarded in line with sponsors support. Applications are welcomed from individual artists, artist collectives, community groups and schools.
The TRAIL runs from 19th July - 26th September 2021. If you have not made a sculpture come along, a perfect opportunity to walk along the seafront at Teignmouth and vote for your favourite.
Closing date for submissions June 15th 2021
For further information, images of past TRAILS and details of how to submit your application visit https://www.trailart.co.uk/?page_id=2091 or contact trailartuk@googlemail.com
We look forward to receiving your application.
Image: Artist Gail Marshall 'Mermaids washing line'. Recycled hospital waste.
For more information visit http://www.trailart.co.uk/
Event Location
The esplanade
TQ14 8DD
Email: trailartuk@gogglemail.com
Website: http://www.trailart.co.uk/