Tracy Satchwill / Events / Sat 13 to Sat 20 Sep 2014 (1 week)
Tracy Satchwill's World of Murder and Mayhem

Tracy Satchwill's twelve piece collection which documents the ups and downs of crime writer Agatha Christie will be on display at Haddon Galleries during the Agatha Christie festival. The series includes popular pieces such as The Gunman, Lost and Storytelling. You will also be able to meet the artist on Sunday 14th September between 12 - 4pm to find out more about her process and the collection.
Tracy takes inspiration from significant historical figures, narratives, architecture and design. After her fascination with the murder mystery novels and period dramas, she originally created nine collages which portrayed the ups and downs of Agatha Christie’s life. This was first exhibited at the Princess Theatre, Torquay for the 2010 Agatha Christie Festival, which celebrated Agatha Christie’s 120 years since her birth. Since then the collection has been well received and travelled to various art fairs around the country as well as Burgh Island Hotel, Greenway National Trust, Torre Abbey and the Science Museum in London. The collection toured the US in 2011 with The Cynthia Corbett Gallery, visiting Miami, Palm Beach and the Empire State Building in New York.
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