Torre Abbey Museum / News / Wed 24 Jan 2018

Volunteers needed to help at Tattoo Exhibition!

Volunteers needed to help at Tattoo Exhibition!

Volunteer Call Out

Tattoo: British Art Tattoo Revealed

3 March – 3 June Torre Abbey

Tattoo: British Tattoo Art Revealed is a genuinely ground-breaking and comprehensive history of British tattooing, featuring cutting edge designers, leading academics and major private collectors. This is the largest gathering of real objects and original tattoo artwork ever assembled in the UK featuring over 400 original artworks, photographs and historic artefacts.

The exhibition challenges long-standing myths and pre-conceptions about tattooing when it comes to class, gender and age, whilst at the same time celebrating the astonishingly rich artistic heritage of tattooing in the UK.

We are recruiting volunteers who have an interest and enthusiasm for supporting our activities here at the Museum.

The exhibition will run from 3 March – 3 June seven days a week between the hours of 10.00 am and 5.00 pm. Each day will be split 10.00 am – 2.00 pm and 1.00 – 5.00 pm. Ideally, we would like two people per shift.

We are recruiting people who can sign-up for regular shift days in advance, ideally for the entire run of the exhibition.

The exhibition host role can include:

• collecting “Torbay Tattoo Tales” from our visitors
• open and closure procedures around the exhibits
• developing knowledge around the exhibition contents
• discuss and engage with visitors
• getting involved with our retail and hospitality teams
• guide and direct visitors around the exhibition layout and content
• manage and monitor the exhibition spaces in relation to health and safety and security

An information event will be held on 20th February for all volunteers.

In return for your time during the exhibition, you will get a free Torre Abbey annual pass, free parking, endless tea and coffee and tickets to a very fantastic opening party.

If you would like to join us please call Torre Abbey 01803 293593 or email to register your interest.

‘Tattooing is a magical, romantic, exciting and often-misunderstood art-form’. Dr Matt Lodder

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