Torre Abbey Museum / Events / Sat 10 Sep to Sun 04 Dec 2016 (3 months)
Sublime Symmetry Exhibition: William De Morgan

Date: 10 September 2016 - 4 December 2016
The mathematics behind William De Morgan's ceramic designs
A new national touring exhibition for 2016
The Sublime Symmetry exhibition showcases the work of William De Morgan, the celebrated Victorian Arts and Crafts designer and colleague of William Morris. The exhibition presents over 80 magnificent works, including ceramics from the De Morgan Collection as well as his original designs which we have on loan from the Victoria & Albert Museum.
The pieces have all been chosen to demonstrate the mathematical concepts which are the basis for his beautiful and colourful ceramic designs.
Children will be able to explore the patterns, shapes and symmetry in De Morgan’s elaborately decorated tiles and pots. Making learning maths fun, there will be interactive games and a family trail that can be enjoyed by budding mathematicians both young and old.
The exhibition is supported by an exciting schools programme and teacher information pack aimed at Key Stage 2.
For more information visit
Event Location
Telephone: 01803 293 593