Torre Abbey Museum / Events / Sun 30 Apr 2017
Family Sunday #1 - Story Stomps

Our all new Family Sundays will be held at the Abbey on the last Sunday of every month, starting in April!
In addition to various free self led activites around the Abbey and grounds, there will be various workshops and performances each month that you can book beforehand (charges apply). If you'd rather just come and visit , don't forget children and teenagers are always free admission!
The first is ......
Story Stomps with Stiltskin – The Children’s Theatre and Arts Company
10.30-12noon OR 3-4.30pm
Aimed at ages 2-7 though all welcome.
Arts , drama and storytelling for families, inspired by the environment. Come and explore the Abbey and Gardens, focusing on the environment, wildlife and things we find on our walk. This is very much a parent and child session working with Jacqueline, Stiltskin’s Creative Director.
£5per person includes free admission to the Abbey. Under 2’s free
For more information visit