Torre Abbey Museum / Events / Wed 04 Jul 2018 to Mon 01 Apr 2019 (9 months)
Ali-Way Scrapstore @TorreAbbeyMuseum

10:00 to 15:00
The Learning Lab
Entry - £0.00
First Thursday of Every month. 10am - 3pm.
Ali-Way Community Scrapstore is a community, no for profit group that offers real work opportunities to individuals with learning disabilities and cheap, recycled craft resources for sale to the community of Torbay.
A Scrapstore is a place where clean recycled items can be found for use in art and craft projects. Families, students, Schools, Nurseries, childminders and voluntary groups like to use us.
Our resources come from local businesses and people, we are happy to receive any items that can be used in projects as long as they are clean and safe and anything we take is not going to landfill.
Ali-Way Scrapstore not only promotes recycling but creativity. The children’s workshops we run allow parents/carers and children to plan and work together on projects, to encourage children to build confidence to express themselves and participate in creative play. As well as learn about the benefits of recycling and reuse. Other workshops give space to individuals to explore their creativity and practice and develop skills alongside other creative people.