Torquay Museum / Opportunities / Thu 28 Feb 2019
Freelance Education Officer

Salary: Payment is on a sessional basis: £50 for a half day morning or afternoon
workshop and £80 for a whole day workshop.
Hours per week: This post is offered on a freelance as required basis depending on the
number of bookings so hours can be flexible to suit you.
Closing date: Thursday 28 February 2019. Application form must be completed – no CVs will be considered.
Torquay Museum requires a number of Freelance education officers to help deliver its education
workshops at the Museum. The key purpose of the role is to deliver workshop sessions to Primary
School pupils. Officers will be responsible for both helping to create and deliver sessions which
are linked to our collections and exhibitions.
For more information visit http://www.torquaymuseum.org/interact/job-opportunities
Opportunity Location
Torquay Museum
529 Babbacombe Road, Torquay, TQ1 1HG.
Telephone: 01803 293 975
Email: basil.greenwood@torquaymuseum.org
Website: http://www.torquaymuseum.org/interact/job-opportunities