Torquay Museum / News / Thu 07 Nov 2013
Free Winter Workshops for Young People!

Young Sustainability Champions
Torquay Museum is offering half day workshops exploring a range of Sustainability topics. We have a host of opportunities that are completely FREE that will ignite, inform and entertain the young sustainability champions of the future.
We are offering 6 Winter Workshops and 1 Amazing Trip for young people aged 14 upwards. There are12 places on each so be sure to book! (details below). PLUS all workshop participants are invited to take part in our First Spark Festival in February 2014
1. What is Transition? Why does it matter? Why do YOU matter? Hal from Transition Town Totnes will help us to uncover the answers using the Museum collections as our starting point. 14th November midday—3pm
2. TRIP! Free minibus tour to see renewable energy in action—visit a community wind turbine, see a solar farm and marvel at a micro-hydro electric scheme. Meet the Earth Inheritors and make new friends. 20th November ALL DAY
3. Welcome to Solarville! Explore the Carbon Journey as you make your way to Mario’s Pizza Parlour. Mark will guide you through an interplanetary exploration in the Museum resulting in a pizza feast for everyone! 27th November midday-3pm
4. Feeling argumentative? Think the planet deserves a voice? Take part in a court room drama which puts the Earth’s polluters on trial. Find out about Ecocide and do justice for our home– planet earth. 4th December midday-3pm
5. Did you know that in our Oceans there 5 islands of plastic rubbish each the size of Wales? Meet Heather from the Seashore Centre and help create a Blueprint for our Oceans as we tackle plastic pollution in our marine environment. Make sculptures and prints and explore ways to tackle the problem. 11th December midday-3pm
6. The Earth Inheritors are back and want YOU to join them! Oscar and Amber invite you to join them on a journey which empowers you to be Young Sustainability Champions and show the world what kind of Earth you want to inherit. 8th January midday 3pm
7. Forkbeard Fantasy—those exuberant architects of humour and invention—invite you to find out what the world would be like if the lights went out. 15th January midday-3pm.
To book places on any or all of these workshops contact Laura NOW! On 0777 323 8314 or email laura.denning@torquaymuseum.org