Torquay Museum

Torquay Museum / Events / Sat 23 Jun 2018

Action packed - LEGO mODELS eXHIBITION fAMILY fUN dAY 10AM - 4PM

Action packed - LEGO mODELS eXHIBITION fAMILY fUN dAY 10AM - 4PM

Date: 23 June 2018

Action-Packed LEGO® Models Exhibition Family Fun Day, 10am - 4pm
To celebrate Torquay Museum's LEGO® models summer blockbuster exhibition, which runs until 8th September, there will be a special action-packed family-friendly day - usual Museum admission fees apply, pay once and get in free for a year. Visitors will not only be able to marvel at the stunning LEGO® models in the Brick Built LEGO® Models exhibition, but will also be able to:

Make their own models, using play Lego, which can be added to a special Lego town.
Use a Virtual Reality headset
Build Lego digitally using laptops loaded with special Lego Builder software.
There will also be a chance to discover your inner artist with the Squircle Arts team. Explore the Museum's amazing galleries & exhibitions, take part in arts activities & find out about artists who have been inspired by museum collections. Arts activities will include writing in hieroglyphics, painting bones, printing with Lego and making your own clay scarab beetle beads & Egyptian shabti figures. Be inspired by the collections - write, sculpt, print & paint! This can be the start of your Arts Award journey. You will receive Torquay Museum's specially designed Arts Award log book as part of this workshop & you can learn about how you can complete the log book & receive your award! Child £4, Sibling £3.

Brick Built: an Exhibition of LEGO® Models is sponsored by Torquay-based architects, Kay Elliott.

For more information visit

Event Location

Torquay Museum

Babbacombe Road

Telephone: 01803 293 975

Event Details

Age group

