Torbay Youth Offending Service / News / Wed 08 Jul 2009
YOT support Coast & Countryside Trust in keeping the bay clean

Torbay Youth Offending Team has teamed up with the Torbay Coast and Countryside Trust in a bid to keep local natural areas of beauty clean through a restorative approach. The project is based on community reparation which is undertaken by young people who are made the subject of a court order. Reparation encourages young people to take an active involvement to repair the harm caused by their offending behaviour and can be achieved through participating in positive activities within the community. Various ‘hotspot’ locations have been identified by the Coast & Countryside Trust in need of regular maintenance including Churston Cove and Hopes Nose which are often prime targets for litter drops. Once a month which includes weekends Torbay Youth Offending Team take a group of young people to an identified site to take part in a ‘clean up’ operation.
It’s a real shame the rubbish is left in the first place, but it’s fantastic that this project has been set up and the teams work is really appreciated by the Trust’ Nigel Smallbones, Manager Area South.
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