Torbay Children's Week / News / Wed 15 Oct 2014
Update re Children's Week - post AGM

14th October 2014
At today’s AGM (14.10.14), the Friends of Torbay Community Play Days took the unanimous decision to close the formal committee in its current structure and establish a new group. For the past 2 years, the group has jointly co-ordinated Children’s Week and @50 community play days which have taken place in the Torbay area. These have been extremely successful however both sets of events are at a point whereby they could be better served standing separately. The new committee will focus purely on Children’s Week and many of the partners who have been involved to date will still be a part of this group. However the event takes a lot of organising over a 12 month period, and given the uncertainty regarding the future involvement of Torbay Council, we would like to put a call out for anyone who might like to formally join the group. This group will be entirely independent and we are researching as to the best structure under which to operate – for example charitable status, company limited by guarantee etc..
We will be seeking to fill positions including Chair, Treasurer, Secretary, Health & Safety officer plus others such as marketing and overall committee members.
The event will provisionally be held the week beginning 17th August 2015 although the format and exact dates will need to be confirmed by the new committee.
If you are interested in joining us in organising this event, please contact us via Pnorthey@btinternet.com