Torbay Children's Week / News / Mon 10 Mar 2014
Children's Week - Replay Team opportunities

Replay is a new project for young people in Torbay. Members of the Replay team will be working between now and Childrens week to build a website about the 70 years of Children's Week, including video interviews, sound recordings, archive photos and regular blogs. The Replay team will also help out during Children's Week 2014 to recreate vintage activities and to make a film about the festival which will be shown in Paignton at the Christmas lights Switch-On event in November. If you would like to get involved or know of any young people who would like to know more, then contact Development Worker Kate Green on 07976 712849.
For more information visit http://www.creativetorbay.com/networks/creative-torbay/documents/reply-info.pdf