Saturday 24th October 2020, at the Riviera International Conference Centre, Chestnut Avenue, Torquay TQ2 5LZ. (Exact times TBC, most likely 10am-5pm as per usual)
The Ageing Well Festival is an annual celebration for Torbay's over 50's, organised by over 50's. As Ageing Well Torbay aims to reduce loneliness and social isolation people aged 50+ are experiencing in Torbay, the festival is an opportunity to bring together hundreds of people, to inform, help, and celebrate - embracing four words chosen by our committee to represent the spirit of the festival: Love, Live, Laugh, Learn.
Activities on offer range from music and dance of all sorts of genres, to stalls representing local organisations, groups and services, workshops covering arts & crafts, wellbeing and accessible gentle exercise, and talks on topics including rockstars and filmmakers who've visited Torbay, local history, and astronomy. We've also thrown in everything from hippies and robots, to scooters and clowns for good measure.
If you would like to join our committee of over 50 year olds in shaping this event, call us on 01803 212638 or email ageingwell@torbaycdt.org.uk and tell us why you’d like to join.
This will be the last festival to take place under the Ageing Well Torbay banner (AWT finishes March 2021). If you’re interested in supporting the festival in some way, shape or form after 2020 (post Ageing Well Torbay providing funding/bulk of staff) do get in touch.
If you’re interested in holding a stall, providing entertainment, a talk or workshop, or perhaps something else, please fill in the form on our webpage: https://ageingwelltorbay.com/awf20/ (please note, we cannot allow attendees to be charged for taking part in anything, or any sales to be made on the day, due to rules set by our funding providers. Promotions are acceptable)
For more information visit https://ageingwelltorbay.com/awf20/
Event Location
Riviera International Conference Centre
Chestnut Avenue, Torquay TQ2 5LZ
Telephone: 01803 212 638
Email: ageingwell@torbaycdt.org.uk
Website: https://ageingwelltorbay.com/awf20/