Planning has just begun for the next Ageing Well Festival.
The Ageing Well Festival is an annual celebration, marking International Day of Older Persons (1st October), celebrating ageing and promoting the concept of growing older in Torbay. The 2019 festival will be the fifth Ageing Well Festival.
This year’s festival will be taking place on Saturday 19th October, 10am-5pm, at the Riviera International Centre, Torquay. For more information about the venue, visit the venue’s website: https://www.rivieracentre.co.uk/location
This year’s festival programme will include live music & comedy, “Ageing Well’s Got Talent” a talent showcase for locals to join, a variety of creative and informative workshops, gentle exercise sessions, talks from speakers covering a range of fascinating topics, advice areas covering practical and safety concerns, stalls for organisations and groups that make up our community, and new this year, a pampering and wellbeing area, including a fashion show.
For more information visit https://ageingwelltorbay.com/awf19/
Event Location
Riviera International Conference Centre
Chestnut Avenue
Telephone: 01803 212 638
Email: ageingwell@torbaycdt.org.uk
Website: https://ageingwelltorbay.com/awf19/