Inspire to Aspire / Opportunities / Fri 12 Dec 2014
Heart of Flame Youth Ambassador Programme 2015

This opportunity is solely for young people aged 13 - 20 (up to 25 with disability) living within Hertfordshire. However, if you are living outside of Hertfordshire please contact us to discuss this matter further.
The Youth Ambassador Programme is a six-month scheme which enriches, supports and teaches young people who are looking to gain more knowledge and understanding mostly within the Event Management and Media Production Industries. Each ambassador will learn at least six years' worth of skills in six months!! And we are the ONLY company that offers such an amazing opportunity!
ITA Academy helps and supports young people to develop skills and gain qualifications.
Work With Professionals
Each ambassador will have the opportunity to be part of an ambassador lead event, this is an event in which the ambassadors decide how to run and produce under the guidance of the ITA Team.
Each ambassador will shadow a professional in at least one event. Ambassadors will have the chance to receive amazingly informative workshops from industry professionals.
Achieve Qualifications
Each ambassador will receive a Bronze, Silver or Gold Arts Award in addition to an Emergency First Aid at Work Qualification and Conflict Management Training. Additional courses may include Manual Handling and Team Work.
Learn Industry Skills
During the programme each ambassador will gain skills in their desired job role, either through shadowing professionals or workshops aimed at specific job roles. In addition, each ambassador will gain an overview of how an event works from Front of House to backstage and shadowing professionals. Film ambassadors will gain experience in how to interview, operate a camera and sound equipment, and how to edit.
Improve Your Future
Each ambassador will improve their:
Industry Skills
Personal Skills
Industry Contacts
Interested? Please contact us for more information!!
For more information visit http://www.ita-academy.co.uk/
Opportunity Location
Law Court Building - University of Hertfordshire
De Havilland Campus
AL10 9EU
AL10 9EU
Telephone: 07582 540 744
Email: tikeyaholloway@ita-academy.co.uk
Website: http://www.ita-academy.co.uk/