Tidy Street Studio Tidy Street Studio

Founded by award winning artist, Lucie Cookson, Tidy Street Studios is a brand new art space for West Sussex. Opened in summer 2012, we offer a programme of exhibitions, workshops and courses all set in the beautiful surroundings of the world's oldest marina and only 4 miles from Chichester.

Lucie founded Tidy St out of a love of teaching, which she has done for many years, and the desire to create a centre for local artists at all levels.

Tidy Street Studio
Birdham Pool
West Sussex
PO20 7BG

Tel: +44 (0)1243 670065

View my website http://www.tidyst.com/

My Location

Tidy Street Studio

Birdham Pool
West Sussex
PO20 7BG
PO20 7BG

Telephone: 01243 670 065
Email: info@tidyst.com
Website: http://www.tidyst.com/

Profile Details

My Events

Art Unlocked Exhibition / <span itemprop="startDate" content="2012-06-02T00:00:00Z">Sat 02</span> to <span  itemprop="endDate" content="2012-06-05T00:00:00Z">Tue 05 Jun 2012</span> <span>(4 days)</span>Art Unlocked Exhibition / Sat 02 to Tue 05 Jun 2012 (4 days)

Jubilee weekend art exhibition at the new Tidy Street Studios, Birdham Pool, Chichester. 2-5 June, 10am-6pm Drinks reception Saturday 2nd at 6pm ...
