thevinylfad / News / Tue 16 Jun 2015
HOT OFF THE PRESS: Royal Headache – High (From upcoming album ‘H

Royal Headache are one of my favourite relatively unknown bands. A few years back they released their debut self titled album and they had me hooked straight away. It’s high energy indie rock with hints of punk, soul and pop, an odd mix but it works and it’s just bloody brilliant. I heard them through various obscure music channels and went in the hunt of a vinyl copy of the album eventually having to have it imported from their native Australia, but it now ranks as one of my favourite items in the old record collection and this week saw some great news as the band announced their new album ‘High’ is due to be released in August and they dropped the title track for the album on to places such as soundcloud.
Read the rest of the article over at the blog here: http://theajsfad.com/2015/06/16/hot-off-the-press-royal-headache-high-from-upcoming-album-high/
For more information visit http://theajsfad.com/2015/06/16/hot-off-the-press-royal-headache-high-from-upcoming-album-high/