The Dartington Hall Trust / Events / Wed 12 Oct 2016
Earth Talk:With Rob Hopkins and Shaun Chamberlin

Tickets £5 | Concessions £4
Already a key influence on the Transition movement, Green Party, New Economics Foundation and Soil Association, Fleming’s legacy is only set to grow with the posthumous publication of his astonishing masterpiece,
Lean Logic: A Dictionary for the Future and How to Survive It. Building on the tradition of E.F. Schumacher, his entertaining vision of a post-growth economy built on the play, humour, rootedness and reciprocal obligations of a rich culture has long inspired optimism and action. Rob and Shaun will share insights and anecdotes on his life, influence and enduring importance. We will also hear from the man himself, through recently unearthed recordings. Books will be available on the night.
Dr. David Fleming (2 January 1940 – 29 November 2010) was an independent thinker and writer on environmental issues, based in London, England. He was one of the whistle blowers on the possibility of peak oil's approach and the inventor of the influential TEQs scheme, designed to address this and climate change. He was also a significant figure in the development of the UK Green Party, the Transition Towns movement and the New Economics Foundation as well as a Chairman of the Soil Association. His wide-ranging work culminated in two posthumously-published books, Lean Logic and Surviving the Future, edited by Shaun Chamberlin.
Rob Hopkins is an independent activist and writer on environmental issues, based in Totnes, England. He is best known as the founder and figurehead of the Transition movement, which he initiated in 2005, and has written four books in support of Transition: The Transition Handbook (2008), The Transition Companion (2011),The Power of Just Doing Stuff (2013) and 21 Stories of Transition (2015).
Shaun Chamberlin has been involved with the Transition Network since its inception, co-founding Transition Town Kingston and authoring the movement’s second book, The Transition Timeline (Green Books, 2009). He is a director of both the Fleming Policy Centre and the Ecological Land Co-operative and his writing on the challenges of our times has found homes in a diverse range of magazines, journals and books, including Grow Small, Think Beautiful (Floris Books, 2011) and What We Are Fighting For (Pluto Press, 2012).
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Event Location
Studio 1
The Dartington Hall Estate
Telephone: 01803 847 070