The Textile Centre of Excellence / Events / Thu 14 Jun 2018
TCBL Dish & Swish Event at TCoE

TCBL Dish & Swish Event 14th June 2014
The Textile Centre of Excellence
Free Event
6.30pm to 8.30pm
The Textile Centre are partners in a major EU funded horizon 20/20 project called TCBL:
Textile & Clothing Business Labs (the global movement transforming the clothes we wear)
Key values include; Durability / Commitment to the environment, towards circular economy and zero km. Above all, reduce consumption and a consumption-driven culture, work towards sustainable fashion. Reduce waste, design for durable relationships …
and Responsibility / Commitment to reliable, trustworthy, professional behaviour. Accountability for the consequences of our actions. Responsible design, responsible production, responsible selling, responsible consumption …
In today’s society we are all culprits of over shopping and being driven by consumerism often resulting in a thirst for something new to wear. We understand we cannot change the world over night; but if each individual makes one change then big things can happen.
We are therefore hosting this ‘Swishing’ event (clothes swapping) to reach out and meet our local community and give you the chance to partake in a fun event, meet others and perhaps join the TCBL network of like-minded individuals!
Numbers are limited please R.S.V.P by May 17th 2018 to avoid disappointment.
For more information visit
Event Location
The Textile Centre of Excellence
textile house
red doles lane
Telephone: 01484 346 500