The South Devon Players / News / Thu 31 Mar 2016
The indiegogo crowdfund for our local film is now live!

Please watch and share - there are amazing perks from just £1, and EVERYTHING helps! In four days, we have already raised almost £430 for this film on Indiegogo.
This production aims to not only showcase very heavily researched Dark Ages (6th century) history of Devon and Cornwall, linked to some of the very earliest and less known Arthurian legends, but also equally to showcase the amazing skills by local actors, filmmakers, and other production creatives - a lot of film work happens in the southwest but very often local people are passed over for imported talent due to stereotypes of "local people being no-good". This production aims to prove exactly the opposite, with a large, attention-grabbing project that has already been featured in the press not just localy, but in New York and Hollywood itself, and with interest, subject to the finished product (we are unknowns of course) from global film distribution companies. Directed by an experienced female theatre/film director.
The group running it has a proven track record over 10 years of producing historical theatre and film, working from the early days of raising £80 from a carboot sale and using the backroom of a pub for rehearsals. The group (working age adults, historical subject matter) falls straight through the cracks for grants etc, and so everything we do is fundraised for. Alongside a dizzying run of burlesque shows, sponsored swims, a scifi/ fantasy convention, ebay sales, carboot sales, shop counter collection tins, etc, we are also running this crowdfund.
Every penny raised goes into costumes/ props, donations to locations for use, food and camping equipment for cast on location, travel to locations, and some extra equipment. Equipment, following this film, will then be used to make more projects by this group, and to train local people in making high-grade film and video - to help them find work!
This indiegogo campaign is alongside all the other fundraisers - sponsored swims, burlesque, carboot sales, ebay sales, museum & school talks, second jobs, etc, taking place to fundraise for this project.
Links to more information
Film page on our website- http://www.southdevonplayers.com/mordredthemovie
Meet the team - http://www.southdevonplayers.com/mordred-film--stage-show-team.html
Soundtrack sampler - https://youtu.be/KwKd6SyIqFI
Mordred Press Office & press article links- http://www.southdevonplayers.com/mordredpressoffice
Other fundraising projects - http://www.southdevonplayers.com/fundraising1.html
Facebook page - https://www.facebook.com/MordredTheMovie
IMDB page - http://www.imdb.com/title/tt5159008/
Join our mailing list - http://www.southdevonplayers.com/join-mailing-list.html
Production Blog- http://www.southdevonplayers.com/mordredblog.html
For more information visit https://igg.me/at/mordred2016/x
News Location
Telephone: 07855 090 589
Email: southdevonplayers@gmail.com
Website: https://igg.me/at/mordred2016/x