The South Devon Players theatre group, Brixham will be at the Chestnut Heights Community Centre for rehearsals on a Wednesday evening from next week onwards for the forseeable future. The address is 1-3 Poplar Close, Chestnut Heights Community Centre, Brixham, TQ5 0SA .
Google map: http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?q=TQ5+0SA&hl=en&sll=50.38031,-3.534771&sspn=0.012206,0.027595&vpsrc=0&z=15
The nearest bus route from town is the Number 24 or 22 - http://www.stagecoachbus.com/PdfUploads/Timetable_43_22,%2024.pdf, and looking at the number 24 buses they are a lot more limited than they used to be, however there is a shortcut for those coming from Torquay/ Paignton on the bus, via Monksbridge, which Steve, and Shaun definitly know due to going to other events at the centre in the past.
For the first couple of weeks we will arrange for those who do not know the way there to meet with those who do, so that everyone can learn the way there. If you wish to do this from the Torquay/ Paignton end, youll need to arrange with Shaun Matthews, and if coming from Brixham/ St Marys, arrange with me.
We will have a big, reliable, regular space for rehearsals, facilities for making teas and coffees or juice, no rules against bringing own food with us, our own lockable storage space, nice clean loo, priority bookings for regular Wednesdays and any other days we book for (which means that once we have booked a session there, we will not be moved or relegated to anywhere else as we have been at the Legion), at £10 per session. Best of all, as the space is used by lots of community groups, including the Brixham Berzerkers and suchlike , the "in charges" are well used to theatricals/dramatics, costumes, weaponry, etc. As of tomorrow evening, I will hold a key for the centre for use on our rehearsal nights. Every Wednesday night is a certainty, and we will work on arranging the weekend ones as well as is possible.
The Players committee will be discussing re-instituting annual membership or chipping in weekly with the hire costs, with members on Wednesday. If you have a preference, please let us know.
The requests from the "in charges" are simply this:
-> to make sure that at the end of each rehearsals, chairs are put back, bins emptied, and the place is left clean and tidy (and locked). This is something that ALL attendees will be asked to help with. Basically, please respect the centre.
Over the next few days I will be fowarding this to as many of our members as is possible, and also posting this information on our website, myspace, and other social networks. If you have an email for someone and think they may not have this information, please foward it to them and make them aware of it. - Laura