Welcome to our latest newsletter, We hope that you will find the newsletter of interest. If you need any more information on any of the news items covered, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us.
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Mordred, and the crowdfund!
"Mordred" is an Arthurian drama, the pet project of our founder, Laura. This dark, gritty drama is inspired by early legends of King Arthur, and set in the early 6th Century, a grim time after the Roman departure from Britain, and during the Saxon invasions. You will not see the types of setting that people expect when you say "King Arthur" here - there are no luxurious 13th/ 14th century castles, damsels in pseudo-Tudor velvet gowns, jousts and knights in plumed helmets. This is set a good 700 years or so earlier, when early Celtic writings point to whatever happened to inspire the legends, actually took place.
Being filmed across Devon and Cornwall in 2016,and performed as a stage show as well, Mordred tells the story from the point of view of King Arthurs son.
Some roles have already been cast, while others will be cast in Feburary. This is our first film to be shot on Red 4K.
A few weeks ago, some of our members, along with our Director of Photography, got together, and filmed a concept trailer.
This is also the first project that we are crowdfunding. We are not relying on the crowdfunding, and are also using ebay, exhibitions, talks and other sources of funding the film. However, if you would like to support the project, our Indiegogo crowdfunding link is here: http://igg.me/at/mordred1/x/12578926
A concept trailer can be viewed at
Les Miserables has been a bit on hold, but is going ahead. The director, Ric Vince, has been working himself to a frazzle on board the Golden Hind Museum Ship, six days a week, as the notorious "Cap'n Blackheart" , and without Ric, one of the originators of the project, the rest of the team have been waiting for the tourist season to finish, before further action can be taken on the series. It may be moving slower, but is most definitely still happening, so keep your eyes peeled for news coming up as soon as the team meetings begin again!
This list is of all events to which the public are invited, including shows, castings, talks, fundraisers and more.Looking for speakers for local organisations?
We are fundraising for our coming productions - and if this takes off, we will continue to do it - Laura is our main speaker, and depending on the request and availability, we may be able to bring other members in as well. This is family friendly, although because of the subject matter, we recommend that it is of more interest to teens and adults, than small children.
This is very much a case of "donate what you can", if you would like Laura to come and give a talk.
Upcoming Dates
All audition information can be accessed at http://www.southdevonplayers.com/auditions.html
Jan 2016 (dates TBC) - PERFORMANCES - Robin of Sherwood - family comedy (not pantomime) with medieval entertainment, in Brixham, Paignton and Torquay
Jan 2016 (date TBC) - PHOTOGRAPHY EXHIBITION- themed on our coming Arthurian film, Mordred, at Millie & Me, in Brixham. Opening night, you can come and meet some of our team.
Feb 25th 2016 - TALK - A talk on adapting legends and history, for stage and screen, in aid of the Karing group in Paignton. More information and tickets from calling Karing on 01803 524799
Feb 28th 2016 - AUDITIONS, for the Arthurian feature film & Stage show, Mordred
For more information visit http://www.southdevonplayers.com/
News Location
Website: http://www.southdevonplayers.com/