The South Devon Players / Videos
Mordred film Indiegogo pitch video 3 (Devon & Cornwall)
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“Mordred”, is a gritty Arthurian drama, telling the legends from the point of view of Arthur’s much vilified illegitimate son, set in the 6th Century, drawing heavily from very early sources, including the Annales Cambriae, the Welsh Triads, the Mabinogion, and local legends in Devon & Cornwall, as well as more recent medieval sources. This drama is set in the 530s, against the backdrop of the Saxon invasions, heavily influenced by Celtic legends, Druidic traditions, and the earliest tales of Arthur, and his followers.
This drama will be a feature film, and stage show. The Indiegogo campaign is to fund the film production - all costumes, props etc, will also be used for the stage show.
The South Devon Players Theatre & Film Company, are a team who have run in South Devon, England, since 2005-6. Founded to create theatre shows based on history and legends, we have more recently expanded into film as well, with two main productions - “Mordred” being directed by our founder, Laura Jury (stage name Laura Jay), and a film series of Les Miserables, being directed by our member Ric Vince.
Laura, who herself holds two undergraduate degrees in film and TV production, as well as a Masters in teaching drama, from the University of Exeter, and has directed/ produced historical theatre and film since 2001, for university, and then for the South Devon Players, is accompanied by Simon Knight, the owner of Mediahound Films in Somerset, who is acting as her Director of Photography, and who will be filming on Red cameras.
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Email: southdevonplayers@gmail.com
Website: http://www.southdevonplayers.com/mordredthemovie