The South Devon Players / Images
The Ballad of Resurrection Bob- Exmouth Drama Festival

Super and well done to all the cast of our show The Ballad of Resurrection Bob, who competed at Exmouth Drama Festival (local heats of the All-England Drama Festival of one-act plays) yesterday. Great feedback on characterisation, set, props, costumes!!!!
Next performances in Brixham and Torquay on April 27th and 28th, see our website page http://southdevonplayers.weebly.com/show-dates--tickets.html for full details. :)
View full Drama Festival photo album on Facebook at: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.600197216659808.1073741828.552273828118814&type=1
The Ballad of Resurrection Bob is the true (and hilarious) local Brixham history story of a 19th Century smuggler who faked his own death to smuggle contraband past the coastguards up to the town of Totnes.
For more information visit http://southdevonplayers.weebly.com/
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Website: http://southdevonplayers.weebly.com/