The Poetry Village / Opportunities / Tue 30 Apr 2019
Submissions open for new South Pennine poetry anthology

Welcome to The Cotton Grass Appreciation Society – an anthology of poems inspired by the South Pennines.
Submissions are now invited for this exciting new collection due to be published by Maytree Press and launched at the Marsden Walking Festival in September 2019. The anthology will be edited by Mark Kelly (Digital Marketing Expert,Chair of both Mikron Theatre Company and Marsden Walkers are Welcome and author of the Marsden Poetry Trail) and our own Managing Editor, David Coldwell.
Whether you are inspired by the wild moors, industrial heritage, towns, folklore or the people of the Pennines, we want to hear from you.
Your poem should be no longer than 40 lines (not including line breaks and title).
Previously published poems are accepted so long as there are no restrictions to publishing rights, etc. We are unable to offer any payment for any of the poems.
Please submit one poem as a Word attachment to thepoetryvillage@gmail.com
Please title your submission as TCGAS Submission.
You have up to the 30 April 2019 to submit. I’m sorry but we are unable accept submissions following this date.
All successful poets will be notified by the 15 June 2019. If you have not heard from us by this date then you can assume your poem has not been selected for the collection and is now free to submit elsewhere.
Each poet featured in the collection will receive one copy of the book and will be offered a chance to read their poem at the launch event in Marsden, West Yorkshire, as part of the annual Walking Festival. Unfortunately we are unable to cover any expenses incurred.
Further copies of the anthology will be available to featured poets at a discounted price.
Good luck and we look forward to reading your poems.
Mark and David.
For more information visit https://thepoetryvillage.com/portfolio/the-cotton-grass-appreciation-society/
Opportunity Location
The Poetry Village
Spring Hall Mount
Email: dcatbc@hotmail.co.uk
Website: https://thepoetryvillage.com/portfolio/the-cotton-grass-appreciation-society/