The Part Singers / Events / Tue 27 Apr to Thu 20 May 2021 (3 weeks)
The Part Singers latest release

Continuing our Spring Season, The Part Singers have remotely recorded "Jesus Christ the Apple Tree" by Elizabeth Poston. The words come from the early days of Methodism but were not published in a hymn collection until 1784 by one Joshua Smith in New Hampshire. Elizabeth Poston's simple yet haunting setting has become a modern favourite.
Catch this release on Youtube at
Our Spring recordings will conclude with the release on 20th May of "Abendfeier in Venedig" by Clara Schumann, marking the 125th anniversary of the death of a performer and composer whose career spanned the 19th Century
For more information visit https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pjsOE2P8yPw
Event Location
Telephone: 01484 961 958
Email: john_harman2003@yahoo.co.uk
Website: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pjsOE2P8yPw