'By the pricking of my thumbs, something wicked this way comes...'
Three figures meet. They know things; far more than the average man. The things they have seen, have done... but tonight... tonight they will create their greatest progeny and release hell itself...
This Is My Theatre return with their telling of Shakespeare's haunting tradgedy Macbeth. Using the play's original language in combination with traditional Scottish Gaelic, music played live, and choral song, this beautiful adaptation will captivate audiences of all ages.
Tickets available from This Is My Theatre
For more information visit https://www.thisismytheatre.com/chichester-mb
Event Location
The Guildhall
Priory Park, Priory Road, Chichester
PO19 1NS
Telephone: 07732 253 311
Email: thisismytheatre@gmail.com
Website: https://www.thisismytheatre.com/chichester-mb