The Novium / News / Thu 27 Aug 2015
24 hour Inventive Factory for Museums at Night Festival

Friday 30 October - Saturday 31 October
A Museums at Night event in partnership with Yinka Shonibare MBE
A once in a life time completely unique event never to be repeated again... and we want you to be part of it.
If you are creative, have artistic flair, musical talents or love performing then we'd love to hear from you. This is open to everyone - whether your a seasoned performer or part of a group who have never performed publicly.
Join us an be part of the national Museums at Night festival where creativity and culture combine in a spectacular participatory event.
Proposals will be shortlisted by Yinka Shonibare MBE who will also be participating in the event.
The Event
Areas of the museum will become Inventive Factories with a different creative focus and activity at each area. This will create a mini festival event involving music, performance and art. Participants and visitors to the event will be encouraged to create artwork in response to the museum's collection as well as stories of local individuals. The objects and artwork that are produced at the event will then be retained as an Alternative Museum collection to be exhibited at the museum for a short period afterwards
Some proposal examples
These are an idea type of thing we're looking for...
The museum has a very unusual set of mobile stocks which would have been wheeled through the streets of Chichester with a miscreant in chains seated on top. A cardboard recreation of the stocks which visitors can sit in and compliments sung at them them rather than abuse. Take some photos of the Compliment Stocks to be displayed in the Alternative Museum collection.
Using some of the objects on display, perhaps the disembodied Bosham head, create an interactive storytelling performance about it's mysterious past. Situated in the Ground Floor accessible toilet and title this factory area as Storytelling Toilet Time. Film snippets of the stories created to become part of the Alternative Museum collection.
Take inspiration from the local Shippam's food factory display to ask people to create their own futuristic recipes for pate and soup. Or invite visitors to be part of a sausage promotional campaign by designing posters, sausages skins, soup can labels etc. These drawn creations could either be photographed or displayed to become part of the Alternative Museum collection.
Responding to Roman Chichester and the bath house a small group of 6 dancers perform a short dance on the Ground floor area, which they repeat twice over an hour. In between they show visitors how they created their dance and possibly teach people a step or move from the dance. Film footage of the dance will then go on show as part of the Alternative Museum collection.
How to apply
Please download the document on the top right of this page. This tells you all the information, dos and don'ts and exactly how the selection process will work.
The proposal form is to be completed online. Please follow this link which will take you to another website https://inventivefactory.wufoo.com/forms/inventive-factory-proposal-form/
For more information visit http://www.thenovium.org/index.cfm?articleid=12143
News Location
The Novium museum
Tower Street
PO19 1QH
Telephone: 01243 775 888
Email: thenovium@chichester.gov.uk
Website: http://www.thenovium.org/index.cfm?articleid=12143