The Nicky Stevenson Gallery / Images
Seagulls come in for a night time crash landing.

Seagulls come in for a nighttime crash landing was painted after I had been on a motor cruiser with an accident-prone friend. I have known Mark Adams since I was 2 and throughout his life he has caused his Mum reason for concern. He sledged down a snowy hill, crashing into rocks covered in cowpats and spent months in hospital with lacerated and infected injuries. He sailed a yacht from Holland, with a friend who had a serious heart problem, got caught in a storm, had to lash himself to the mast, whilst letting off flares, whilst his friend was down below and not feeling well. He was rescued by the RNLI 40 miles off the Lowestoft coast. Anyway, we cruised from Brixham to Dartmouth and, as we came into the river Dart, dusk was falling and all I can remember thinking was “Put the brakes on”! as he steered willy-nilly down a rather busy river. I have not been out on a boat with him since!
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