The Media Centre / Events / Wed 28 to Fri 16 Feb 2018 (-11 days)
PechaKucha Night x Notwestminster

Join us for a special PechaKucha Night in Huddersfield – a fast-paced evening full of exciting speakers and topics, with distinctly democratic flavour. The Media Centre have teamed up with the Notwestminster network to bring you an evening of quick-fire talks inspired by local democracy.
This special PechaKucha Night is part of Notwestminster 2018, a two day event bringing together people who have something positive to say about local democracy and who are up for the challenge of making it work better. Each speaker will talk for 6 minutes 40 seconds on a theme of their choosing, following a “20 slides for 20 seconds” format.
PechaKucha is like a more democratic version of a TED talk. Think of it as our hustings and come along to learn something new and be entertained. It’s a fun way to find out what inspires some of our local democracy advocates and to hear about people’s passions and interests. There are always a few surprises.
Please contact us if you’re interested in being one of the speakers.
This is a free, public event organised by The Media Centre, in collaboration with Notwestminster 2018.
For more information visit https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/pechakucha-night-x-notwestminster-tickets-42267609558
Event Location
Cafe Ollo
The Media Centre
7 Northumberland Street
Telephone: 01484 483 000
Email: info@themediacentre.org
Website: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/pechakucha-night-x-notwestminster-tickets-42267609558