The Media Centre / Events / Wed 14 Mar 2018
Knowledge Sandwich: The Existential Tourist

12noon to 1.30pm
Dr Brendan Canavan, Senior Lecturer in Marketing at the University of Huddersfield looks at existential philosophy through the lens of tourism.
We will consider why people go on holiday. Is this for escape or for discovery? Can consumption of experiences help us to find what it means to be oneself and to be happy? Or is this merely good marketing?
A light lunch will be served from 12noon.
This event is free but registration is required
For more information visit https://www.meetup.com/knowledge-sandwich/events/248184384/?rv=ea1&_xtd=gatlbWFpbF9jbGlja9oAJDMyODU1M2FhLWY3ZTMtNDRlZi1hZDAzLTk0ODg2OTQ4NWY4MQ
Event Location
The Lounge @ The Media Centre
The Media Centre
7 Nothumberland Street
Telephone: 01484 483 000
Email: info@themediacentre.org
Website: https://www.meetup.com/knowledge-sandwich/events/248184384/?rv=ea1&_xtd=gatlbWFpbF9jbGlja9oAJDMyODU1M2FhLWY3ZTMtNDRlZi1hZDAzLTk0ODg2OTQ4NWY4MQ