The Media Centre / Events / Wed 24 Sep 2014
HuddsDigitals: Data Visualisation with Richard Powell

In the world of Big Data, the visualisation of information is becoming more and more important. Newcastle UI developer and designer Richard Powell will show you why solid design principles, great libraries, and firm grasp of code are what's needed for showing data in a way that's intriguing and valuable.
This field can teach us a lot more than just how to visualise data. With lessons on how to effectively influence people and open people's eyes to unseen realities, these are skills that are useful for design, business and how we interact with colleagues and customers.
No knowledge of the technologies is required, you don't have to be a programmer to enjoy this one.
Free to all.
For more information visit http://www.meetup.com/Hudds-Digitals/events/184311072/
Event Location
Café Ollo
The Media Centre
7 Northumberland St.
Telephone: 01484 483 000
Email: info@the-media-centre.co.uk
Website: http://www.meetup.com/Hudds-Digitals/events/184311072/