The Making Space / Opportunities / Sat 30 Jun 2018
Huddersfield Summer Open Exhibition!

The Making Space is delighted to announce the first Huddersfield Summer Exhibition!
CALL FOR WEST YORKSHIRE ARTISTS - Huddersfield Open Summer Art Exhibition 2018
We're excited to launch Huddersfield's first Summer Art Exhibition which will be taking place from Monday 30th July 2018 running through to Saturday 11th August 2018, 10am – 5pm. The Packhorse Centre will be alive with art as West Yorkshire artists are invited to submit proposals to exhibit with a priority for Huddersfield based artists.
We offer a £100 prize for artists's work selected by The Making Space members and also offer a public prize voted for by members of the public visiting the exhibition.
Private view on evening of Monday 30th July at 6.30pm.
Submissions will be open until 30th June 2018.
Accepted artists are asked to pay a small £5.00 submission cost per artwork.
Only 10% commission on sales.
Workshops will run throughout the exhibition.
Applications through Curatorspace: https://www.curatorspace.com/opportunities/detail/huddersfield-summer-exhibition/2296
Please get in touch if you would like an alternative submission at everyone@themaking.space
You can find the event on Facebook here: https://www.facebook.com/events/874425432742791/
Please let us know if you would like a hard copy of the poster and some flyers to display and we will get these to you asap.
Thank you for your support!
For more information visit https://www.curatorspace.com/opportunities/detail/huddersfield-summer-exhibition/2296
Opportunity Location
The Packhorse Centre
Email: everyone@themaking.space
Website: https://www.curatorspace.com/opportunities/detail/huddersfield-summer-exhibition/2296