The Making Space / Opportunities / Fri 06 Nov 2015
Make The Making Space in Huddersfield

Make The Making Space Membership Pledge
We welcome you to join The Making Space, a co-operative formed to find and run a space in Huddersfield town centre open to anyone interested in making, collaborating, sharing skills and resources.
Everyone who is part of The Making Space will have a common working space, informal peer-to-peer knowledge and skills sharing, use of the equipment and space available (we have some equipment already and we'll get more as we go along) and 24 hour access.
At the moment we are looking for the right empty shop or office space in the town centre.
If you make the membership pledge (http://goo.gl/forms/GUFwS4N4xd) you become an equal member of the co-operative straight away, and you can come and visit possible spaces and vote on the final choice.
All members of The Making Space co-operative will contribute £10 per month, beginning when we find a space.
The cost of the space will be paid by our collective monthly membership contributions from the start. We'll find a space together, negotiate the rent, and when we have enough membership pledges to cover the rent, we'll all start paying our £10 per month contribution.
The Making Space is a social enterprise, any surplus revenue after costs goes back into the organisation, for example to buy more equipment.
All contributing members of The Making Space have equal ownership and an equal say in running the organisation, and all decisions are made at a monthly meeting lasting no more than 1 hour.
Please add your membership pledge here http://goo.gl/forms/GUFwS4N4xd, and let's make The Making Space in Huddersfield together.
Thank you!
For more information visit http://goo.gl/forms/GUFwS4N4xd
Opportunity Location
Telephone: 07985 643 035
Email: themakingspacehudds@gmail.com
Website: http://goo.gl/forms/GUFwS4N4xd