The Little Theatre / Events / Sat 01 to Sat 08 Jun 2013 (1 week)
'Holiday Snap' Toads Theatre Company

‘Holiday Snap’
June 1st – 8th 7.30pm
Holiday Snap is a delightful, fast moving farcical comedy set in the early 1990's, written by Micheal Pertwee and John Chapman; it was first directed by Ray Cooney in Guilford. Set in a luxury Portuguese time-share villa, the identities of two couples get mixed up by the bumbling time-share agent Commander Chittenden, "Chitto" a likeable, but slightly confused gentleman who like the occasional tipple "First of the Day” being his catch phrase. Add to this combination an unexpected arrival of a mother-law, a best friend, and a wife, to make this an excellent recipe for laughter, mischief and mayhem throughout.
(no Sunday performance)
TOADS Theatre Company
The Little Theatre. St Marks Rd, Meadfoot, Torquay. TQ1 2EL
Box Office 01803 299330 : Mon- Fri/ 10.30am - 1.30pm
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Find us on: facebook & Twitter @toadsLT
(Online booking available soon)
Facilities include Coffee Shop & Bar (Open 6.30 - 11pm)
For more information visit
Event Location
Toads Theatre Company
The Little Theatre. St Marks Rd, Meadfoot, Torquay. TQ1 2EL
Telephone: 01803 299 330