The Kirkwood

The Kirkwood / Opportunities / Mon 10 Jan 2022

Art Trail Sculpture Painters Required!

Art Trail Sculpture Painters Required!

For eight whole weeks in Autumn 2022, towns and villages across Kirklees will brought to life by a pack of dazzlingly decorated Snowdog sculptures, creating a spectacular event for our entire community to enjoy.

Each sculpture will be sponsored by a business and individually designed by an artist. A free event for all, Snowdogs Support Life, Kirklees will show off the very best creative talent from local, regional and national artists. Our pack of Snowdogs will arrive next Autumn, with money raised throughout the event helping to support The Kirkwood. It is the first event of its size and kind in West Yorkshire!

You can watch this video to get a feel for the project and what it will involve:

We have launched our call to artists and we’re on the hunt for local, regional and national artists to design and decorate each sculpture and really bring the trail to life!

Each successfully commissioned artists with be paid a fee of £1000 when they complete their sculpture.

You can find out more on our website here: or contact Art Program Lead - Katie Fielding on katie/

Please also share this opportunity with anyone who you think might be interested.

For more information visit

Opportunity Location


Trail across Kirklees

Telephone: 01484 557 911

Opportunity Details
