The Great Create / News / Tue 12 Jul 2011
Greate Create at Greenway - 3rd August - 4th September 2011

The Great Create Festival of the Arts Greenway 2011
Call for entries now closed
The award winning forth Great Create Festival of the Arts will take place at the popular National Trust’s Greenway in August 2011. It is one of the area's true public celebrations of the artistic talent hidden within Devon. The Great Create was founded by artist and curator Emma Carter with one specific goal in mind: to give exceptional emerging and established artists of all disciplines a showcase to celebrate and promote their creativity to the public and their peers alike.
Building upon the legacy and reputation that the Great Create has built over the years, we now invite artists to submit entries to the Great Create. The 2011 festival will see stately sculpture showcased next to conceptual pieces and poets next to paintings in a bid to expose diverse audiences to multi art forms in a relaxed and informal, but professional way. Exhibits range from the majestic and obvious to the subtle but poignant pieces, sometimes abstract, sometimes figurative. We will select and represent contemporary British art, sculpture, installations and performances from approximately 80 of the regions finest practitioners.
The festivals have been an inspiration to over 250,000 Greenway visitors that have viewed and participated. Situated with a stunning backdrop of Greenway, the festival offers an interesting insight into current art trends within the cultural community. Greenway is situated down river from Dartmouth at Agatha Christie’s former holiday home set in the glorious woodland estate
We require a
• Short artist statement (no more than 250 words)
• Contact details
• 4 jpegs (with artist name and title of work attached) or examples of your recent work
• Performance, musicians, dance and theatre practitioners please submit examples of recent work with a brief outline of intention at Greenway.
To be emailed/sent to:
Emma Carter
Director Great Create, 19 Headland Park Road, Preston Paignton TQ3 2EN
By July 1st 2011.
www.thegreatcreate.co.uk info@thegreatcreate.co.uk Tel: 01803 553666
Unfortunately no images will be returned. There is a £10 administration charge for selected works.
This is a voluntary non profit making project run by artists for artists because art is a way of life.
For more information visit http://www.thegreatcreate.co.uk/
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Website: http://www.thegreatcreate.co.uk/