The Great Create / News / Mon 09 Mar 2009
Great Create Festival of the Arts at Greenway Call for artists

The Great Create Festival of the Arts
Call for artist entries
The award winning Great Create Festival of the Arts, now in its third year,
invites all South West artists producing exceptional art in all formats
to submit work for the forthcoming exhibition at Greenway, the National Trust’s glorious estate on the river Dart.
The festival will take place from 20th May – 28th June 2009
Greenway House, the holiday home of Agatha Christie, has opened for the first time this year following a major restoration project. There has been significant interest shown in the property and it is anticipated that visitor numbers will be strong during the festival.
There is no formal brief set but artwork should reflect current practice and The Great Create hopes to provide a platform for artists to try out new, challenging and exciting work, whilst being exhibited in formal galleries and gardens and attracting a wide audience. There will also be an opportunity for artists and makers to sell directly to the public at the exclusive arts market (Bank Holiday Monday 25th May).
For exhibiting artists please submit:
3 photographs of recent work and a short biography (no more than 200 words).
SAE with correct postage for return of images if required.
For live and performance artists please submit:
A brief proposal (no more than A4) with outline costs and C.V.
Deadline 31st March 2009
Send to: Emma Carter, Director Great Create, 19 Headland Park Road, Preston, Paignton TQ3 2EN
Email: info@thegreatcreate.co.uk web: www.thegreatcreate.co.uk
For more information visit http://www.thegreatcreate.co.uk/
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Website: http://www.thegreatcreate.co.uk/