The Gallery, Torbay Hospital / News / Fri 16 Jan 2009
Could You Take Gallery Past Its 100?

South Devon Healthcare Arts is hoping that 2009 will bring more portfolio submissions than ever from artists, interested in exhibiting in the large gallery space at Torbay Hospital – in the year that The Gallery is celebrating its 100th exhibition.
The first half of 2009 is already booked. Among the artists who will be exhibiting is Pembrokeshire-based Andrea Kelland, whose work mostly sells through London galleries, but who has a special connection with The Gallery at Torbay Hospital. Her work has topped The Gallery’s sales charts, with thousands of pounds worth sold at her previous showings, and also several examples snapped up by the hospital to be on permanent show.
The Gallery likes to showcase quality artists from across the UK as well as the best local artists, and also likes to give very promising young artists the opportunity for a first major show.
South Devon Healthcare Arts co-ordinator Caroline Hill said: “We like to select bright, positive, uplifting work. We take into consideration suitability for the location, the excellence of the work and whether it will offer a good contrast to recent exhibitions. Our audience is always excited to see what’s being shown in each new exhibition.
“We have earned a reputation as a very public showcase for professional artists. It would be hard to find any other exhibition space with such a high footfall and such a wide-ranging and highly appreciative audience.”
She added: “We want to see ever better exhibitions. By reaching the milestone of our 100th exhibition (which will open at Easter) and putting The Gallery firmly on the Devon arts map, we have set ourselves a high benchmark.”
The Gallery takes a modest commission on sales, which is ploughed into the South Devon Healthcare Arts charitable fund in order to commission and purchase permanent art work for the hospital.
The next selection from submitted portfolios will take place at the beginning of April, in order to allocate five- and six-week exhibitions from August onwards.
Guidelines for submission are on The Gallery’s web pages at (follow The Gallery link from the home page) or you can contact South Devon Healthcare Arts on 01803 654557.
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