The Gallery at Parndon Mill / Events / Fri 28 Jun to Sun 04 Aug 2019 (1 month)

This exhibition presents work by artists attending the painting and drawing sessions led by Roger Jeffs in the Project Space at Parndon Mill. This has been an ongoing project where the students have been encouraged to explore paintings by great artists of bygone days, and some from not so long ago, and through the manipulation of colour, tone, scale and composition to produce a 'new' work. They have investigated, deconstructed, interpreted and reworked paintings of particular artists, creating a celebration of, and a thoughtful tribute to our shared art history. This encounter with the work of others has produced skilful and intriguing results and some very beautiful pictures.
For more information visit http://www.parndonmill.co.uk/gallery/current-exhibition-gallery
Event Location
The Gallery at Parndon Mill Elizabeth Way Harlow CM20 2HP
CM20 2HP
Telephone: 01279 426 042
Email: info@parndonmill.co.uk
Website: http://www.parndonmill.co.uk/gallery/current-exhibition-gallery