Brand Matters / 26 March, 10am, The Media Centre.
Kirklees and Calderdale businesses are welcomed to a two hour workshop focusing on the importance of brand for manufacturers, including a case study of a Kirklees manufacturing business which has used brand differently, resulting in significant success in the UK and overseas.
This workshop will offer new insight and practical help from design award winning Calderdale and Kirklees Manufacturing Alliance sponsors The Engine Room.
The session is open to all CKMA members and other local businesses.
For more information or to book your place, please email Nikki Taylor:
Please note, places are limited and work on a first come, first served basis.
We hope to see you there,
The Engine Room.
For more information visit http://engineroomdesign.com/news/2015-01-26-brand-matters-at-the-ckma
Event Location
The Media Centre. Huddersfield
15 Northumberland St
Telephone: 01484 483 087
Email: nikki@engineroomdesign.com
Website: http://engineroomdesign.com/news/2015-01-26-brand-matters-at-the-ckma