The Craft Works Torbay / Opportunities / Thu 24 Dec 2015
Workshop Leaders Wanted

Do you have a craft that you are passionate about sharing with others?
If so The Craft Works are about to launch a series of one and two day (some can be residential) masterclasses and are looking to add to the programme. The masterclasses have 3 levels - beginner, intermediate and advanced.
Our offer currently includes tailoring to pattern cutting, weaving to nanu felting, natural and art dying, spinning and wool processing, a crochet and knitting camp, guerrilla yarn bombing to decoupage, appliqué to patchwork and quilting to name but a few.
If you have a workshop you would like to run please get in touch. We either pay by the hour or can work on contract rates.
Look forward to hearing from you.
For more information visit http://www.thecraftworkstorbay.wordpress.com/workshops/workshop-programme/
Opportunity Location
St Andrews Church
Sands Road
Telephone: 07957 930 196
Email: dartmoortweed@btinternet.com
Website: http://www.thecraftworkstorbay.wordpress.com/workshops/workshop-programme/