The Cotton Wool Store / Events / Tue 03 to Tue 17 May 2016 (2 weeks)
Beginner's Crochet Course

A three-week course teaching the basic stitches and techniques of crochet, in classes small enough to ensure lots of one-to-one attention. From creating the basic foundation chain to making trendy granny squares and flowers, we know you’ll be hooked! Plus a 10% discount for anything bought in store on the day.
£70 incl materials, handouts & refreshments
3rd, 10th & 17th May 2016
For booking call 01798 344334 or email info@thecottonwoolstore.com
Payment is required for reservations.
We accept PayPal or credit/debit cards
For more information visit http://www.thecottonwoolstore.com/
Event Location
The Leconfield Hall
Market Square
GU28 0AH
Telephone: 01798 344 334
Email: info@thecottonwoolstore.com
Website: http://www.thecottonwoolstore.com/